Lansing Community College

Lansing Community College has many registered student organizations (RSO) each semester to choose from and there is something for everyone! RSOs cover a wide range of topics and interest areas. Student Life officially recognizes these organizations through an annual registration request process. Once registered, RSOs can plan and sponsor meetings, events and activities and apply for funding.

To request official recognition status as a student organization at Lansing Community College, the following would need to be submitted:

Registered Clubs and Organizations

AIM Collective

Students interested in raising awareness of the causes of wrongful convictions within the criminal justice system.


Nadia El Annani

Anthropology/Sociology Club

The Anthropology and Sociology Club is committed to cultivating a community of global-minded individuals and socially conscious learners who value cultural diversity. Through social events, field trips, and collaborative projects, our goal is to create an inclusive space for students who are passionate about anthropology and sociology, where they can connect, collaborate, and grow together. We embrace the values of respect and empathy.


Kali Majumdar

Art Club

Assists student members in their growth and awareness of art and create a better understanding of art.


Susan Hardie
Laura Oakwood
Jacob Pierzchala

Civic Conservation Club

The mission of this student organization is to provide education and awareness to the public on conservation and sustainability, as well as provide education and career opportunity information to the members.


Kirsten Wright

Construction Club

Helps build and enhance construction related knowledge and skills, to further prepare students for their future careers. The Construction Club will accomplish this with networking events and possible volunteering opportunities.


Scott DeRuischer

Cru Club

The purpose of Cru is to build movements of people who are transformed by Jesus Christ. The student-led movements seek to introduce students to Christ, help them to grow in faith, encourage them to passionately live life in a manner consistent with belief in the God of the Bible, and inspire commitment to advancing the purposes of God in the world.


Eric Bennett
Jodi Wiley

Drone Club

Promotes the safe use of drones, increases drone knowledge and industry networking.


Shelley Jeltema

Elohist Bible Study Club

This mission of this student organization is to reveal Elohim God by sharing words and good deeds.


James Robinson

Film Club

Provides students with a safe and inviting environment to learn and create all things related to film.


Barry Elmore

Gamma Iota Sigma Club

Provides a path to become a well-rounded professional by preparing students for a career within the vast and ever growing insurance industry to insure opportunities for all.


Mary Stucko

Global Student Club

The mission of this student organization is to create a global community where LCC students from around the world can connect and share cross-cultural perspectives and experiences. Global Student Club activities and events will promote awareness and increase understanding of the cultural diversity in our LCC college community.


Cindy MacKersie
Sarah Ortiz

Hall Of Heroes Club

This student organization gives students a safe space for learning and playing table top roleplaying games, while meeting new individuals and having a fun time.


Alix Davis
Aubrey Johnson

History Club

The goal of the LCC History Club is to engage with history outside the classroom and to connect with Michigan's deep historical roots and history resources in Greater Lansing.


Anne Heutsche
Wade Merrill

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

The InterVarsity Christian Fellowship helps to deepen and strengthen the spiritual life of student members.


Julie Ruark

Japanese Club

Provides an outlet for developing a knowledge of Japanese culture and language. Encourages the study of Japanese culture and language at LCC and presents related activities and events.


Anne Hooghart
Bridget Cooper
Mariko Kawaguchi


The mission of this student organization is to raise awareness of LGBTQIA2S+ issues and to advocate for the safety and inclusion of all students through discussions, community-building, ongoing development, and grassroots organizing.


Lucas Van Duyne

Phi Theta Kappa

This society promotes scholarship, cultivates fellowship among the students of LCC, encourages and provides the structure for cultural service pursuits.


Lazarius Lane
Jay Briones

Philosophy Club-The Agora

The mission of this student organization is to encourage thoughtful and respectful dialogue on philosophical topics and create a community around interest in philosophy.


Chris Schneck

Photography Club

The LCC Photography Club offers and promotes photography in a group experience to students interested developing their creative skills. The club also promotes better professional and social relationships with other photographers.


Ike Lea

Political Science Student Association

Promotes thoughtful, respectful discussion, debate, conversation, and learning about political science and engagement. It also exists to promote career opportunities for its members in political science and related fields.


Mike Giles

Psychology Club

The Psychology Club encourages professional development and psychological literacy of students through generating interest in psychology, promotion and recognition of excellence in scholarship, leadership, research, and community service.


Diane Snyder
Andrea Davis

Sign Language Club

Promotes the needs and goals of people who want to upgrade their sign language skills.


Monique Franks-Balcarcel

Spanish Club

The mission of this student organization is to have fun while inspiring diversity through connections with the local Spanish-speaking community while expanding our knowledge of and celebrating the Spanish language and cultures.


Julie Gloss

Student Nurses Association

The Student Nurses Association enhances the development of the student as a nursing professional, encourages networking with other health professionals and increases public awareness of the nursing profession.


Tami Tasker

Student Veterans of America

This organization acts as a catalyst for student veteran success by providing resources, network support and advocacy.


Kyle Jakob

Vinyl Record Club

The Vinyl Record Club connects with students through the power of music; with an emphasis on sharing vinyl record collections, favorites and information, as well as turntable operation and maintenance.


Sarah Eubanks
Steve Robinson

Write Club

The mission of this student organization is to generate, workshop and appreciate creative writing and investigate modes and models for publishing.


Shamane Bell
Melissa Lucken
Sarah Piercy
Annie Schnarr

Student Leadership Academy

The Student Leadership Academy is a unique leadership development and two-year community service scholarship program that aims to produce highly-skilled and experienced graduates in the areas of leadership and service.

A student leads another in studying
  • Covers a maximum of six semesters over a period of two consecutive years
  • Up to $2,120 in tuition and fees each fall and spring semester
  • $567 for an optional summer semester (at least three approved credits required)

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The Lookout - Student Newspaper

Students interested in journalism experience as reporters, photographers, artists, cartoonists and/or advertising sales representatives have the opportunity to work for The Lookout, Lansing Community College's student newspaper.

The Lookout, first published during the 1959-60 school year, is an award-winning publication on both the state and national levels.

For past articles and more details, visit The Lookout online.

The Lookout

A student filing through her papers



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Our athletic teams compete for national championships, win conference and regional tournaments, and play against top NJCAA programs.

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Woman sitting in the grass reading in front of the Gannon Building Glass

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