Our quality relationships with our donors and the Lansing community at large allow us to grow and engage the ever changing and improving world of higher education. Our external affairs and development division was created to cultivate these critical, key relationships in order to ensure a vibrant and exciting future for Lansing Community College.
Media Relations
LCC has a centralized media relations process where reporters are requested to contact the LCC Public Relations Department for access to LCC faculty and staff.
If you are interested in securing media coverage for an LCC program or event, please contact Public Relations Director Marilyn Twine. She will coordinate media announcements and arrange appropriate follow-up.

Marilyn Twine
Email: twinem@lcc.edu
Phone: 517-483-1426
Cell: 517-582-0126
Mailing Address
Lansing Community College
Public Affairs Department
Administration Building
610 North Capitol Ave.
Lansing, MI 48933
Community Relations
The Community Relations program serves as the liaison between Lansing Community College and the Mid-Michigan community. The program works closely with city officials and agencies, neighborhood organizations, local business associations, the faith-based community, and many others on a broad range of issues of mutual interest to the community and the College.
Government Relations
This office develops strategies and activities to ensure consideration by federal, state and local government officials of college and other public proposals appropriations. In addition, it oversees and implements legislative and regulatory relationships with congress, state Legislature, city council and county commission, and governmental offices and agencies at all levels.
Bridge the Gap

The Coalition for College and Career Readiness bridges the gap between high school and first-year college and career readiness skills.
Learn MoreOffice of External Affairs
External Affairs and Development
Phone: 517-483-1475
Fax: 517-483-1384
Mailing Address
External Affairs and Development
309 North Washington Court Place, Suite 150
Lansing, MI 48933