Lansing Community College

Welcome to the Cesar Chavez Learning Center (CCLC)! We are committed to supporting students through mentorship and enrichment programs that meet the needs of our times and celebrate diverse backgrounds. 

  • Participate in mentoring opportunities
  • Learn about campus and community resources
  • Earn an Academic Scholarship or Book Stipend
  • Gain additional support towards completing your LCC degree

Get involved today! 

The Center specifically focuses its programming and services within four key areas:

  • Inclusion
  • Access for underserved students
  • Cultural awareness
  • Mentoring

Programs at CCLC

Access - Access to College and Careers with Excellence through Student Support

The ACCESS Program provides wraparound student support to ensure students are equipped with the skills necessary to make the transition to college, persist following their first year of enrollment, and ultimately to graduate or transfer to a four-year university. It is designed to support current and potential LCC students, especially those of low-income, First-Generation, diverse-abilities, and underrepresented populations.

LUCERO - Latinos Unidos con Energia, respect y Orgullo – Latinos United with Energy, Respect and Pride

The LUCERO Program is designed to attract and retain students of color, particularly Latinos, by providing a space where they would feel welcome and receive support. LUCERO focuses on developing student skills in academics, leadership and professionalism.

MAP - Men About Progress

Men About Progress (MAP) is a program dedicated to increasing and supporting the inclusion and educational success of male students of color, particularly Black males. MAP serves as an intentional intervention to assist program participants in their academic and career endeavors, while promoting and advocating for an improved educational experience at LCC and enhanced quality of life.

WISE – Women Inspiring Scholarship through Empowerment

WISE seeks to inspire, support and empower women by offering educational opportunities to develop knowledge and leadership skills, build professional and personal connections, promote the presence of professional women, and foster mentoring relationships.


Students learning in the Cesar Chavez Learning Center

Contact Us

Cesar E. Chavez Learning Center

A&S Room 1313
Lansing, MI 48933
Phone: (517) 483-9804
Fax: (517) 483-9808