How will LCC notify me of an emergency situation?
In an effort to keep the College community informed and able to effectively respond, the College employs several notification systems to quickly communicate urgent information to the College community. These methods of communication allows the LCC Police Department or the Incident Command Team (ICT) to send out time-sensitive information such as timely warning notices, emergency notifications regarding significant occurring or imminent impacts to the College or campus and campus evacuations or closures of the College community.
Notification methods that are used include, but may not be limited to, the following:
Public Address Systems
- Downtown and West campuses - The College utilizes Siemens’ fire system, which includes a public address (PA) feature. The public address system is accessible to the LCC Police Department. The LCC PD dispatcher is able to send an “all-campus” PA announcement to the West and Downtown campuses separately or simultaneously. It is also possible to use the PA system to separately address individual buildings in the Downtown Campus. The PA system also automatically announces a prerecorded evacuation message whenever the fire alarm is activated. The evacuation message can be overridden by the DPS dispatch with a live PA announcement when needed.
- The Downtown Campus has an outdoor bell tower with PA announcement capabilities.
- Aviation Maintenance Technology Center in Mason - The Deputy Incident Commander or designee is charged with using the PA system of the building to broadcast notification to the Aviation Maintenance Technology Center.
- LCC East and Livingston County Center – LCC East and the Livingston County Center use SA Announce to provide PA announcements from and to the Cisco VoIP telephone system.
LCC Alerts, driven by RAVE Alert
LCC Emergency Alerts are used to warn people of an emergency that poses an imminent threat to life safety, such as violence or severe weather, ongoing criminal activity, or an urgent situation like a power outage.
There are three types of alerts, and three distinct email banners:
An EMERGENCY NOTIFICATION is an immediate threat to persons or property.
A TIMELY WARNING is based on a Clery crime(s) that pose(s) a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community.
PUBLIC SAFETY NOTICES are non-Clery incidents or situations that may impact campus safety or operations.
You can review or make changes to your RAVE profile by going to and specifying Lansing Community College. Anyone in the community can also register for LCC Emergency Alerts by registering at the same site and specifying Lansing Community College.
Rave Guardian App
Safety in the Palm of Your Hands
Safety is a top priority. That's why LCC is taking a proactive approach to safeguarding individuals on campus with the availability of Rave Guardian - a mobile app for LCC students, faculty, and staff. The app provides an opportunity to support users who are in need of immediate assistance by enhancing safety on LCC's Downtown and West campuses through real-time interactive features that create a virtual safety network of friends, family, and LCC Police Department.
Rave Guardian can be found in the iTunes store and Google Play. Download it for all these cool features:
- Personal safety timer: Never walk alone! This "virtual escort" allows you to set a fixed time for your departure and arrival – say, when walking to your car in the dark. Your pre-selected "guardian," often a friend or family member, will receive a notification when you arrive safely, or when you don't arrive at the expected time.
- LCC Police Department direct chat: Text with LCC's Police Department, allowing you to report suspicious activity or get help discreetly.
- LCC Police Department direct call: Call LCC's Police Department with the push of a button.
- LCC Alert Notification direct to app: Get push alerts when LCC sends an emergency alert.
- Local 911 direct call: Call 911 from any location.
- Help/tip lines: A directory of important phone numbers, like to LCC Facilities, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and the Michigan Poison Control.
- LCC web resource link: Connect with important LCC safety resources, like the Emergency Management Department and the LCC Emergency Response Guide (ERG).
College Website/College Monitors/Social Media
- It is possible to extend messaging to the LCC website, to College-wide monitors, and to the LCC Twitter and Facebook accounts when the situation warrants. The Director of Public Relations, part of the ICT, works closely with the LCC Marketing and Information Technology Services (ITS) or services to activate these methods when determined necessary by severity or urgency of the incident.
- If notification needs to be made to individuals or organizations outside the College community, communication can be made via director of public relations, in coordination with the Incident Command Team (ICT), as deemed appropriate.
Operations Notices
- If there is a scheduled building outage or other operational notice that must be communicated in a timely manner but is not an emergency, the college uses its weekly operations email to all employees.
College Newletters
- The Star is the official news source for employees, updated every business day online at and sent in email format once per week. It contains general college announcements, including emergency preparedness messaging, safety reminders and upcoming related events.
- The Top 10 is a monthly, official newsletter emailed to students. It captures important news including emergency preparedness and safety information. It also has a presence at, under "News You Can Use".

Contact Us
Emergency Management Department
Carol Wolfinger
Director of Emergency Management
Location: AOF 108
Phone: 517-483-1823