Pedal with the Prez 2024!
Grab your bike and helmet and get ready for some fun! Pedal with the Prez offers themed bike rides along Lansing's scenic River Trail, exploring downtown, Old Town, and REO Town. Each ride, including themed adventures like the Beach Party and Family Fun Rides, ends with President Robinson treating everyone to delicious ice cream from Arctic Corner. Don't forget to join our Pedal Points Punch Card program—earn punches for each ride and collect at least 3 for cool rewards.
Ready to pedal? Explore this season's ride calendar. Rides usually kick off at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, meeting at the Granger Clock Tower on LCC's Downtown Campus.
Ride and Reward Adventure
New this year: Pedal Points Program
Pick up your punch card at the next Pedal with the Prez ride and earn a punch for each ride you complete. Collect at least 3 punches and pedal your way to exclusive rewards. Mark your calendar and join us for themed rides, community fun, giveaways, and FREE ice cream from Arctic Corner, courtesy of Dr. Robinson!

Upcoming Rides
No upcoming events at this time. Visit the LCC college wide calendar to see what else is happening.
Pedal With the Prez Route
This is a ride, not a race so please make sure to ride at a rate that is appropriate to your training and health level.