Are LCC Police Officers authorized to conduct vehicle stops and make arrests?
Yes. LCC police officers are fully commissioned officers who have been deputized with full police powers.
Are LCC Police Officers trained to use choke holds?
No. LCC police officers receive MCOLES level training in various types of arrest techniques and defense tactics, however choke holds are strictly prohibited.
If I dial 911 will I receive service from an LCC Police Officer?
If you dial 911 from an LCC campus phone you will get an LCC dispatcher who will then dispatch an LCC officer to the scene where you're requesting police assistance.
Does LCC Police train their officers in de-escalation techniques?
Yes. we have several members who are members of our Crisis Intervention Team and members of the LCC Police Department also receive scenario-based training in de-escalation throughout the year.
Does LCC Police have a Duty to Intervene policy?
When will I receive emergency notifications?
For weather related emergences, power outages, any potentially dangerous situations happening on campus or within the city geography.
How do I report a crime?
On-Campus/In Person
Since the LCC Police Department and Parking Department is staffed 24 hours a day, individuals may report a crime or other emergency on the Main Campus at room 2110 of the Gannon Building, or on the West Campus at room N181.
Each incident is investigated by a professional police officer.
Our follow-up activities strive to identify and prosecute criminals, recover stolen property and encourage restitution, when possible.
A crime that occurs off-campus should be reported to the police department having legal jurisdiction for that area.
If you are unsure of which department that is, call (517)483-1800 and we will assist you.
Can someone let me into a building after hours?
All employees who have a key and want to enter a campus building after hours are encouraged to contact the LCC Police Department Dispatcher at (517)483-1800 or in person for their own safety. Persons who do not have a key and request access to a building after hours will be required to show two pieces of identification and state their reason for requesting admission.
How late are the buildings open?
Most college buildings remain open until 10:30pm Monday through Thursday, closing at 5:30 PM on Fridays, but remain open when scheduled or special events occur. Saturday and Sunday hours vary to class schedules. Contact LCC Police Department and Parking at (517)483-1800 with questions.
Does Lost and Found have my lost StarCards?
Found StarCards are picked up and forwarded to the LCC Police Department and Parking office on the Main Campus. Contact the LCC Police Department at (517)483-1800 to see if yours has been recovered.
How long do you hold things in Lost and Found?
LCC Police Department and Parking holds articles in Lost and Found for one semester. If you lost something during Spring Semester, then you would have until the end of Summer Semester to claim your property. Contact LCC Police Department and Parking at (517)483-1800 with questions.
Where can I find parking on campus?
The Parking Office has information for on and off-campus parking solutions that fit a variety of needs.
Information on Cancelations and Closings
The college doesn't often close, but if we do, here's how to find out if you have class:
-, we post it right on the homepage
- The official LCC Facebook page, or the official LCC X account
- Sign up for our free emergency texting service
Statement regarding inclement weather
It is not an easy decision to close Lansing Community College due to inclement weather. Many factors are taken into consideration including the severity of conditions and the level of threat in the weather forecast. Since students, faculty and staff travel from a broad geographic area, it is nearly impossible to come to a decision that is appropriate for everyone since weather conditions are rarely uniform across the area. A conscientious effort is made to arrive at a reasonable decision considering all these factors.
LCC does not encourage anyone to take unnecessary risks in order to work or attend classes. If the College is open during adverse weather conditions, it is each driver's responsibility to decide whether to travel to the College. Since LCC students are adults and the College is educating its students for the workplace, we have a closing policy more like area businesses and governmental agencies and less like K-12 schools.
Obtaining a copy of a Police Report:
Copies of Police Reports can be obtained by contacting:
J.R. Beauboeuf Director of Risk Management
Washington Court Place
309 N. Washington sq. #150
Lansing, Mi 48933
Ph. 517 483-1730
Contact Us

Police and Dispatch Services
Downtown Campus
Location: GB 2110
Phone: 517-483-1800
West Campus
Location: N181
Phone: 517-483-1500