For complete residency policy information, please see the current LCC catalog. For more information please see our Residency FAQs.
Your residency status determines your tuition rate. Tuition is the amount of money you pay for each billing hour of courses that you register in each semester. Residency changes are not retroactive to previous semesters. Currently, LCC has four tuition rates.
Students who have lived for four or more months preceding the first day of the student’s class within one of the 15 school districts listed below and pay property taxes to support LCC's budget are classified as in-district.
LCC School Districts |
Bath | Haslett | Okemos |
Dansville | Holt/ Dimondale | Stockbridge |
Dewitt | Lansing | Waverly |
East Lansing | Leslie | Webberville |
Grand Ledge | Mason | Williamston |
Students who reside in Michigan, but not in one of the above 15 school districts are classified as in-state.
Students who live outside of Michigan are classified as out-of-state.
Students who have been admitted to the United States on a temporary, non-immigrant status are classified as an international student.
*If your record reflects Michigan In-State for tuition rate, but you believe you qualify for the in-district tuition rate, you must complete and submit a Student Declaration of Residency form and include proper documentation as noted under Acceptable proof of residency.
NOTE: Updating your address to an in-district address does not automatically change a Michigan In-State residency status to in-district residency status even if an in-district address has been on your record for over four months. You must submit the Student Declaration of Residency form.
Check residency status
To see your current residency status, log in to myLCC, click on the Profile tab, and look in the left column under Residency Status.
Change residency status
To ask for a change of residency you will need to provide proof of four months residency in an approved public school district prior to the start of the semester of attendance and complete a Student Declaration of Residency form online, or at one of our service centers.
Acceptable proof of residency
Choose ONE form of documentation from the list below with address matching current residence. Documentation must date back at least four-months immediately preceding student's first day of class.
Acceptable document list:
- Student’s valid MI driver’s license showing current address
- Student’s valid MI State Identification Card showing current address
- Mortgage, lease, rental or other housing agreement in student’s name showing current address
- Student’s health insurance, auto insurance, renter’s or home owners insurance policy in student's name showing current address
- Federal, tribal, state or local government documentation in student’s name showing current address
- Student’s current motor vehicle registration form in student's name showing current address
- Paid property tax statement
- Credit card bill in student’s name showing current address
- Utility bill in student’s name showing current address
- Student’s pay stub or earnings showing current address
- Student’s account statement from a financial institution showing current address
*Residency Documentation in a family member's name may be used to waive the four month time period if the familial relationship can be established through documentary evidence and the family member's residence is satisfactorily documented for the required four month period. If the student is over the age of 18, the student is required to submit satisfactory documentation in their name to show that they currently reside at that address.
When to request your change
Each semester has a last date to change residency. The last date is published on the Academic Calendar. Below are the first dates to submit documentation and a Student Declaration of Residency form for each semester.
March 1 - Summer semesters
June 1 - Fall semesters
October 1 - Spring semesters
Other residency information
Nonresident Owners of In-District Property
Nonresident students or their guardians owning property in the LCC district will receive credit once a year for property taxes paid in support of the College by himself or herself or his or her guardian. The taxes paid must be in support of the current academic year and the credit cannot exceed the differential between resident and nonresident tuition rates for the current academic year. To obtain this credit, the student must provide the Registrar’s Office with the paid property tax receipt.
Foreign Nationals
Foreign nationals who are enrolling in Virtual College courses and reside outside the United States or are admitted to the United States in a temporary, non-immigrant status will be charged international tuition. U.S. Nationals who are enrolling in Virtual College courses and are outside the United States will be charged domestic tuition.
Senior Citizens
If you are age 62 or older on the first day of the semester and a resident of the LCC district four months prior to the beginning of the semester in which you register, or you are a Michigan resident living outside the LCC district, you qualify for reduced tuition. Rates apply to LCC classes taken for audit or credit. Classes with zero billable hours are not covered by the tuition rate reduction. Senior citizens will continue to pay registration, course and facility fees. See current tuition rates.
Military Personnel and Dependents
Residency is based on the location of the present domicile of the student with the four-month requirement waived if the applicant can provide a Department of Defense 214 or 899, NGB form 22 or paperwork for reassignment or changed military base. This waiver is extended to the dependents (spouse and children) of the person named on the Department of Defense 214 or 899, or NGB form 22 who reside at the same address.
Lansing Community College verifies the residency status of each student each semester by mailings sent to the current residence the student has on file with the college. Residency status may be adjusted for those students whose mail is returned to the college. Students petitioning for a change of status will be required to provide proof of residency.
It is a violation of college policy to present false documentation. Registrar staff may verify the validity of the documents presented as proof of residency. Lansing Community College reserves the right to make the final decision on residency eligibility.
Registrar's Office Contact
Our office is located in the StarZone in the Gannon Building. For directions, see us on Google Maps

Mailing Address
Registrar's Office
Lansing Community College
411 N Grand Ave
Lansing, MI 48933-1215
Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 2
Toll Free: 800-644-4522
Fax: 517-483-9668