Your academic advisor at LCC is committed to assisting you with creating an educational plan that will reflect your career and academic interests. It is important to be prepared for your academic advising appointments, as well as maintain regularly scheduled advising appointments during your time here.
What to bring to your academic advising appointment:
- Release - If you intend to have someone accompany you to your appointment, you need to have a Release of Information on record that allows us to discuss your academic records in their presence or with them.
- Any Official Communications You've Received from the College - This can include items like Financial Aid communications or institution communications that affect your academics.
- The Curriculum Guide You are Following - Bringing the curriculum guide you are following will help to ensure that we understand the program you are interested in and can guide you with the best accuracy in case there have been any changes to the program or prerequisites.
- Transcripts from other Institutions - Please bring any copies that you have of your academic transcripts from other institutions so that we can informally assess courses you have already taken to help you avoid repeating any courses unnecessarily. Please ask each of those schools to send an official copy of your transcript to the Registrar's Office at LCC for formal evaluation to officially determine and award any applicable transfer credit.
- Career Assessment Results - If you have participated in a career assessment here with our Career & Employment Services department or another place, please bring a copy of your assessment results. This will help guide you in the right direction based on the program that may best fit your passion.
- Schedule of Other Commitments - Many of our students have other commitments and we want to help you select the right classes at the right times to fit your schedule. Please bring schedules of your other commitments and/or obligations to this appointment.
Advisor Roles & Responsibilities
The advisor's role is an active rather than a passive one and the process of advising requires the following objectives to be met for each student assigned as an advisee:
- Help students define and develop realistic educational career plans through schedule planning for each semester and summer school, if appropriate. Each student should have an up-to-date MAP (formerly EDPs).
- Assist students in planning a program consistent with their abilities and interests.
- Monitor progress toward educational/career goals and meet to review the progress toward completing the proposed academic program and to discuss grades and other performance indicators.
- Interpret and provide rationale for institutional policies, procedures, and requirements.
- Discuss and advise on all designated educational transactions (e.g., preregistration/registration schedule, drops/adds, withdrawals, change of major, waivers, graduation requirements, etc.).
- Try to make informal out-of-class/office contacts to underscore personal interest in the student as an individual.
- Maintain an up-to-date electronic student record with advising notes and Degree Works MAP.
- Inform and, if necessary, refer students to other institutional resources when academic, attitudinal, attendance, or other personal problems require intervention by other professionals. (e.g., Support Services, Academic Affairs, Personal Counseling, etc.)
- Proactively contact and be available for student advisees on a regular basis. Office hours/appointment and drop-in times should be posted on the advising web and preferably given to the advisee early in the semester. Advisors should plan for extended hours during pre-registration advising.
- Consult regularly with faculty colleagues in order to have up-to-date information. For career and graduate school options, advisors should refer advisees to Career & Employment Services when more information is needed.
Student Roles & Responsibilities
The student (advisee) is an equal partner in the advising process. As an advisee you are ultimately responsible for your educational choices and decisions. You are expected to:
- Clarify personal values, abilities, interests, and goals for academics and life.
- Contact and schedule regular appointments with your advisor each semester as required or when in need of assistance
- Prepare for advising sessions and bring appropriate resources or materials. You are to maintain your own Advising Portfolio including your MAP (formerly EDPs) and other details.
- Come prepared to your advising session with a planned schedule for the forthcoming semester.
- Become knowledgeable and adhere to institutional policies, procedures, and requirements.
- Access and use myLCC, Banner and D2L for academic updates, information updating, registration, and other purposes.
- Read your LCC email and other important communications from the college and your advisor.
- Accept final responsibility for all decisions made and your graduation requirements.
The StarZone is home to many student service departments such as admissions, academic advising, financial aid, student finance, testing and more! Visit the Enrollment Support Specialists in the StarZone for help with admissions, class registration, general financial aid questions and more.

Phone: 517-483-1200
Toll Free: 800-644-4522
Fax: 517-483-9668
Downtown Campus
Gannon Building
411 N. Grand Ave
Lansing, MI 48933
Other Contacts
Registrar's Office
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 2
Online Chat
Financial Aid
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 1
Academic Advising
Phone: 517-483-1200 option 4
Testing Services
Phone: 517-267-5500