Lansing Community College

The Lansing Community College Massage Clinic provides our Massage Therapy students the opportunity to gain valuable client experience. Our clinic also provides the community a chance to experience the many health benefits of massage therapy at a reduced cost. The clinic is located at LCC’s Main Campus in Downtown Lansing.

Massage Clinic Hours

JANUARY 14, 2025 - MARCH 6, 2025

Tuesday Appointments: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (60 minutes, level 1 students)
Thursday Appointments: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, 7:30 PM - 8:30 PM (60 minutes, level 2 students)


To Schedule an Appointment

To schedule an appointment, you may click the Book Appointment button in the middle of this page. You may also email or leave a message at 517-483-1451.

Please Note:

***If you are pregnant, have recently suffered an injury, we cannot accept you as a client at this time.  If you have questions regarding your possible acceptance please call 517-483-1451 and talk with our staff.***



Online Scheduling


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Cost: $35 for all sessions. Please have an appointment booked before making a payment. Payments must be made online before your appointment begins.

    Make a Payment
  • Parking: The Gannon Parking Ramp is located at 600 N. Grand Ave, Lansing, MI 48933. The ramp can also be accessed via Saginaw Street. To easily locate the HHS Building after parking, we recommend parking on Level 2 of the ramp. Grand Ave. access enters the ramp at Level 1, the Saginaw St. access enters the ramp at Level 2. The Health and Human Services Building (HHS) is immediately across from the parking ramp. For easy access to the clinic, use the Northwest entrance of the building nearest the Saginaw and Capitol intersection. The clinic is located on the Garden Level, HHS 013. Please review our campus map and the zoomed-in massage clinic map.

map of HHS building next to the Gannon Ramp

  • Student Clinic Experience: Our clinic has 18 massage tables that are fully enclosed by hospital-style curtains. Once clients are fully draped and comfortable, a small portion of the curtain is opened to allow instructors to quietly and discreetly observe the student during your massage. Due to this learning environment setup, we politely ask our clients to keep unrelated conversation to a minimum. Clients are also required to complete an evaluation form. This evaluation does not affect the student’s grade, it is simply used as a constructive feedback tool.
  • Clinic Hours & Online Scheduling: Clinic hours vary from semester to semester. The fastest way to schedule an appointment is by using the Online Scheduling feature located on this page. Once the clinic has ended for each semester, online scheduling is closed to the public. If you would like to be informed of the upcoming semester’s clinic hours and when the online scheduling calendar will be opened to the public, join our email list by emailing Also watch for these announcements on our social media pages!
  • Client Eligibility Clients must be at least 18 years of age and in good health. We are unable to provide massage to anyone who is pregnant, recently injured, or has recently had surgery. Clients with cardiovascular exercise restrictions must check with their doctor before scheduling an appointment. Please contact us if you have any questions about your eligibility.
  • Late Policy: We will hold your appointment for 15-minutes before we find someone else to take your place. The massage appointments are scheduled learning opportunities for our student therapists. They must be actively practicing massage during this time.
  • Cancellation Policy: We require 24-hours of notice for appointment cancellations. This provides ample time to find the student an alternate learning opportunity. Appointments can be canceled via the online scheduling feature or by phone. Failure to provide 24-hours of notice for 2 appointments will result in an invitation to seek massage therapy elsewhere.
  • Tipping: Michigan law prohibits students from receiving any payment while they are in school, this includes tips. A great way to express your gratitude is by providing thorough feedback on your student’s evaluation form!
  • Clothing: Bottom underwear is required. Outside of this requirement, clients are allowed to remain dressed or undress to their level of comfort. No matter your clothing choice, the student therapist will always use appropriate and modest draping to keep you covered, with an exception of the area being massaged. Your comfort is paramount.

24-Hour Cancellation Policy

Leave a message at 517-483-1451

  1. If you do not provide at least 24-hour notice you will be charged for the appointment.
  2. Client substitutions must be arranged through the clinic staff.
  3. Payment for missed appointments or late cancellations must be RECEIVED within six days.
  4. If payment is not received, any scheduled appointments will be cancelled and no future appointments will be made until payment has been received.
Health and Human Services Building image

Massage Clinic

Health & Human Services, Rm 013
515 N Washington Square
Lansing, MI 48933

Phone: 517-483-1451

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