Lansing Community College

The Mental Health & Aging Project (MHAP), funded by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, is a grant program at Lansing Community College.

Since 1985, the project has offered education, training, and consultation for clinicians in Michigan's community mental health (CMH) system who provide services for older adults. The project also assists individuals in the aging network and other service systems who work with older adults with mental illness, dementia, and/or developmental disabilities in a wide variety of settings.

Upcoming Events and Trainings

No upcoming events at this time. Visit the LCC college wide calendar to see what else is happening.



Additional Resources

MHAP lends book and DVDs for training and self-education to professionals throughout the state.

Learn More

Mental Health and Aging Conference

36th Mental Health and Aging Conference - May 13-14, 2025

The 36th Michigan Mental Health and Aging Conference will be held May 13-14, 2025, at The Kellogg Center at Michigan State University. We look forward to seeing you there!

Registration will open in early March.

Learn More

Grandparents look after their young grandchildren

Book Lists

The Mental Health & Aging Project operates a lending library of books for CMH clinicians and other human service professionals who work with older adults and their families.

The following guides have been compiled from a larger collection of 600 titles.

Books are sent free via mail, and borrowers pay a small fee for postage and insurance to return the books. To borrow a book from these lists or to learn about other MHAP resources and services, contact Alicia Hostetler at or call her at (517) 483-1526.

PDF File Guide to Books on Assessment and Intervention

PDF File Guide to Books on Dementia

PDF File Guide to Books on Mental Health

Senior women on a bench happily chat

Update Your Contact Information

We need your email address to let you know about upcoming trainings and to tell you when we update our website. Please go to our online form to give us your email address and to update other contact information for our database.

Update Information

Pictures are Public Domain Images from the Multimedia Gallery of the Administration on Aging (AOA).


exterior shot of the Health and Human Services building on a sunny, but partly cloudy day

Mental Health & Aging Project

Alicia M. Hostetler
Phone: (517) 483-1526